Happy Birthday Postach.io! - A Message to Our Fans

After launching Postach.io's public beta exactly one year ago, we've been privileged to receive incredible support from both Evernote and fans like you. As a team, our goal is to provide the world with the ultimate publishing tool, and thus far, Evernote has been instrumental in helping us turn this vision into a reality. Since winning Gold at Evernote Dev Cup, we’ve learned a lot, made amazing progress, and worked towards generating a long-term vision for Postach.io.
But if there is one thing we've learned from developing a revolutionary blogging platform like Postach.io, it's that sometimes the most interesting thing about a digital product is not necessarily found in the app itself, but rather in the people who use it.
Take Jeremy, for example:
The Educator:
His passion: finding meaningful ways for kids and their teachers to integrate technology into their learning process.
As an educational specialist and father of four, Jeremy knows that in order for kids to become purposeful with technology, they must first learn to reduce all the 'noise' that comes along with it. But, instead of attempting to control every step of a student's technological integration (like most educators), Jeremy is all about "just letting it happen". He guides their way, providing them with the opportunities to use technology as an asset, rather than a hindrance to life.
His method:
- Get every student set up with an Evernote account on a shared email address.
- Let each of them create their very own Postach.io site, just the way they want.
- Encourage kids to customize their themes, post their own content, and share stuff with friends.
- Have teachers regularly post important learning materials on each student's blog to keep them engaged and involved.
- Blend technology with meaningful, integral learning experiences.
Can you spell 'revolutionary'? Jeremy is not alone in this approach to using Postach.io. Many other educators have turned to it as a safe, efficient, and easily manageable means of introducing children to the many applications of the web.
Oh, the things we would do to go back to high school today....
And then there's Brad, a retired firefighter from Australia:
The Volunteer:
His passion: supporting his community through social enterprise.
This guy is stoked on wildlife (and his Cockatoo named Buddy would probably tell you the same thing if you ever had the pleasure of hearing him scream at you during a Skype call). As an avid conservationist and wildlife expert, Brad is devoted to protecting the endangered species that live in the forests of his home town, Victoria. For him and his volunteer organization, awareness is critical; Postach.io provides a simple solution for Brad and his fellow activists.
But he also has found a way to use Postach.io and Evernote in an entirely unique way.
His method:
With a limited budget but unquestionable enthusiasm, Brad also uses Postach.io to run a live blog in order to help "build Victoria into a disaster-resistant state". As the primary source for relevant information during emergency situations, VOST Victoria provides live action updates to keep the public prepared, informed, and warned of any dangers - in fact, the Evernote-powered website was particularly effective during a recent coal mine fire that threatened the evacuation of numerous residents.
While citizens and emergency personnel post updates through social media and communication channels, Brad is constantly on alert, publishing news from the source to help keep his community safe.
...talk about commitment, eh?
Everyday Postach.io Heroes
In reality, every one of you has something to share with the world - even if you don’t know it yet.
People like Chylene, Braden, Chris, Tracy, and Tate - winners of the #EvernoteBlogging competition that went down this last month (May 2014); these are just a few of the every-day Postach.io heroes that grace the Discover feed. They are the reason our tiny team of developers, designers, and marketers wake up every morning to make things happen!
As we continue working to make Postach.io the best it can possibly be, our team is constantly motivated by the unique stories and testimonies shared by every single one of you. While we pride ourselves in our efforts, we have our fans to thank for our accomplishments. You are our inspiration; you are part of our team. Thank you for being here :)
So, whenever you’re feeling down, overburdened, or annoyed by life's nuisances that prevent you from reaching your ultra zen, just stop, breathe, and remember...
…your notebooks are always open; their pages are never full. And when that discombobulated library called 'your memory' fails you, Evernote will be there to save your ass - and ours too! Along with Postach.io, Evernote will remain the place where we all turn to log our thoughts, keep track of our work, write our stories, and share our creations.
Evernote may have planted the seed, but its users are the ones who have made Postach.io grow.
What does Postach.io mean to you?
From the Postach.io Team - Shawn, Gavin, Brandon, Dmitri, Caleb, & Matt 😃