Success Starts with Intention - 4 Principles to Guide You On Your Journey
The Power of Intention
In order for us to achieve any goal, it is critical that we analyze our intentions. We all define ourselves in different ways, but as someone who has faced adversity and become better because of it, I’ve learned a few things that are worth sharing to those who seek their own version of personal success.

Ultimately, there are four guiding principles that guide our actions in reaching personal fulfillment, which I will discuss in this piece. The power of intention is seriously underrated - consider these anecdotes, and think about the driving forces that define you as a decision maker:
The Story
Several years ago, a friend of mine abruptly cancelled plans for a trip to Italy at the eleventh hour. We had been planning a summer vacation for over a month and I had gone to great lengths to arrange time off work.
Suffice to say - I was more than disappointed. Despite feeling resentful and frustrated, I was determined to take full advantage of my vacation allowance since I wouldn’t get time off again for another 6 months. In that moment, I had no idea where I would go or what I would do, but I was determined to make the best of it.
Just six weeks later, I was driving around at speeds exceeding 140mph in a Porsche 911 on one of the longest racetracks in the world — easily the coolest experience of my life, thus far.

The Principle
Things can change instantaneously. You will get disappointed. The perfect plans you though you had will fall through. But, we have to believe that the universe will conspire to give us what we need when we nurture our intentions to succeed. How it will happen is uncertain, but what is certain is that it will! Take a chance; you might be surprised in the outcome.
The Story
A couple of years after the vacation, I read an article my the national paper about the rising trend in the Far East of outsourced software development. Microsoft was leading a trend that the mid-market was hungry to latch on to. Can you spell….opportunity?
Within 9 weeks, there I was, drinking tea with the Information Minister of Pakistan of all people! We chatted about software development and technology amongst other things. He struggled to fathom how a 22 year-old had flown over from London, hired two full-time developers and rented an office space in just a few weeks - all on a shoestring budget. I told him I planned to manage my staff remotely, and was keen to hire further developers later in the year. This was met with a vacant stare.

The Principle
Pay attention! We have to constantly nurture our intention to succeed. Eliminate anything that could weaken it, and assimilate with everything to strengthen it. Opportunities multiply as they are seized, but first you need to identify them. Keep you mind open, your head up, and your eye on the prize. Even of you are met with a vacant stare, don't allow that to hold you back. Keep nurturing your intention.
The Story
Recently at my family home where I grew up, a fire broke out in the kitchen. By the time I reached the scene, the pressure cooker had turned into a huge ball of fire. The house was full of smoke, and all I could think about was the potential devastation that a fire could bring.
To say that I was worried about the safety of my mum and two sisters is an understatement — I was petrified. I envisioned an inferno engulfing the very house my father had built with great care and affection. This was a grave situation that threatened our lives and future happiness.
Amidst the panic and screaming, I felt the burden of responsibility on my shoulders. But I had no fire training. I thought about videos I’d watched and tried to act while my fear of fire threatened to make me flee.
Without forethought, I attempted to curtail the flames by striking the pressure cooker with a towel. I quickly learned that this was foolish; the pressure cooker fell to the floor and the fire spread to the large kitchen floor mat. There was no more time to question myself.
I urged my sister to call the fire department while I tried to find other ways to resolve the situation. I shouted to my mum to open the kitchen door which led out to the garden. In haste, I wrapped the ball of fire in the mat, picked up the fiery bundle and took it out onto the patio. The flames quickly died down and soon all that remained was a smouldering mess.
Noone was hurt. A crisis was averted.
When the fire crew arrived, I could sense their slight amazement. One of the firemen told me that most kitchen fires result in major destruction to the property, and often take at least one or two lives. In our case, all we had lost was a pressure cooker and a floor mat — a far better result than could normally be expected.

The Principle
When our intentions are sincere, we can accomplish anything without doubt in ourselves. Whether out of fear for your life, care for your loved ones, or a commitment to your life values, success must always be defined through honest, pure intentions. A focus on impressing others results in karma-like negative effects. But a pure intention that serves to benefit others as well as ourselves will create positive results.
To be honest, when I started blogging again last year, I was absolutely sure that I didn't want to use Wordpress. I felt it was too bloated and required too much maintenance. I wanted something simple.
I loathed the idea of constantly installing updates, maintaining backups and configuring plugins. On top of that, I wanted something that helped me to create a compelling user experience quickly out of the box. A couple of weeks later, I heard about, and the rest - as they say - is history.

The Story and The Principle
Even after our goals are cemented and we think we know what we want from life, it can difficult to determine the correct path to attainment. This causes us to change our minds, adapt our goals, and redirect our focus - again, and again, and again…
I have no anecdote for clarity (except for my choice to switch to because I am still on the journey to finding it. What I do know is that we have to be clear about what we want. This does not need to involve strict definitions, but if you don’t know what what success truly means to you, how do you intend to find it?
Consider Your Own Intentions
If the above demonstrates anything, it is this: even when the odds are stacked up against us, we can achieve what we truly desire. Consider what you want and don’t worry about how you’ll get there. What we ask of the universe, we receive.
Take risks, pay attention to potential opportunities, be pure in your actions, and maintain clarity in your focus.
My main objective: "Have the time of my life"!
What’s yours?